Why are eBay buyers like this??
so should people on Medicaid start tapering?
The pandemic is no longer an excuse... to have lunch.
[US, US] [H] PayPal [W] Inexpensive cards for my daughter's binder!
Seeking Methadone success stories/ advice.
Lost my carries *follow up
Very short on meds 1 week to go
My [28M] husband cheated on me [27F] and I understand why. Can we make this work?
Lost my carriers.
Expungement. It happened.
I just love these Vulpix promos.
Just got out......Life is hard.
My friend (M39) wants me (F45) to save him from being homeless and I'm ducking his calls.
Are these side effects dangerous
At what point do you stop opening packs and just get the singles. I’ve opened so many packs hardly get any hits and when I do they’re not even good
TIFU by not following the #1 rule of knife safety.
Why do you pee in the shower?
Small Town Illinois Walmart
One bubble mew to rule them all
Target LO/ST/BS etb are back in stock for 40$
TIFU by buying an entire deli ham
Fun new arrival
How is this pulling me in
Love Radiant Collection (Generations) - wish they’d do them again.
$20 Target ETB Rant