She is now gnawing at the bars of her enclosure (sound on)
Does anyone else's rats just go crazy at night?
Pipsqueak pooped in my bed. SHAME HIM!
My baby girl Kimi 🦋
My sleepy boy
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Maka enjoying some popcorn 🍿
PLEASE show me pics of ur rats sleeping! I’m obsessed😭
What are your unusual rat names?
Little snack
Meet Maka (brown) and Kimimila/kimi (grey)
hey there :3
My precious girl is having to be put down tomorrow due to a medical issue. I would love to have some drawings of her to cherish and make me and my mom feel better.
I would love if someone drew this silly boi
cool fossilized shell i found, no clue what it is
Best Ammonoid I’ve found yet - SW Missouri (pls don’t roast me lol)
Please draw my ugly boy
tell me your favorite villager and ill tell you if you're allowed in or not
! Self harm care document ! <3
When did Wade's IQ become higher than fish water?!?
kinda doubt i have a look-alike but still curious:3
Just thought I would share Lopez and Wade in maid outfits
What is one villager you adore that no one else seems to like?
Two of my three stinky babies