World First Opportunity
Pikaboo on becoming a react andy
2025 the year of Negative Aura?
Nmp is out of touch ($20k a month not a lot of money)
Pikaboo finds out the DPS loss from not sundering
Is the team doxxed?
PSA: The reason behind the GDKP ban, according to Blizzard, had nothing to do with RMT/gold buying
I didn't believe Flasks were 150g+ until I logged on. HOLY!
how is black lotus 170g two months into a fresh server
Catstanbul is lit af
Bots farming Black Lotus is out of control on Anni
Tonka keeps the throne
Do Feral Druids really have to farm Manual Crowd Pummeler?
Automated Bans Need to Stop
A big Thank You to people who recommended SUI
o7 Dakata
Tips for BRD?
Grubby dies in BRD.
Cdank and Pikaboo group wipes
Esfand Quits WoW o7
Serious question: what else is there on Solana other than shitcoins?
6 month nightmare still going...
Can't sell because of this stupid wallet
Don't be this kid ...He rugged his own coin and the community did a take-over ..
Trojan bot account banned