The Kuzari vs. the Iranians
Is the Purim story True? (Spoiler) No!
Read Esther without the midrash
Want some insight on secular romance
Pay attention to this very interesting nuance
A comment by Professor Justin Sledge that made me re-think my understanding of the Tzedukim
How many secret it'd teens do you think there are out there
Frummies: Evolution is ridiculous, an animal can't turn into another animal! Meanwhile Chazal:
did you know what trans or gay people were while you were frum, and what were your views at the time?
Were any of you able to attend non-Jewish social events while in the closet?
Posted this in Judaism but it got removed… I’ll try here
Response to R Mizrachis “Torah and Science”
Contradiction in TORAH
Kuzari argument dismantling?
Where do jews think rabbis like rashi and maimonides got their information from?
All exjews go to hell/Gehinnom forever
How early were your doubts?
Calendar restrictions humor - for a speech
Noah is sick of his son’s shit!
Questions on clean and unclean animals and how it affects Jewish life and conservation
Taliban bans the sound of women’s voices singing or reading in public
Where do children learn to throw rocks ?
Those who grew up ultra Orthodox, where did you learn sex-ed?
Like clockwork the frummies are already getting upset at Kamala Harris being a presidential nominee.
I want to grab the women of Chochmat Nashim and shake them. I want to yell, "Wake up! A system that allows this needs to be abandoned, not reformed!"