I just got kicked out of yeshiva!!!
Why is cheating so common among frummies
accidentally cis?
Why does it seem like most trans men are straight?
Dude makes personal medical decision at young, young age of...24. This is low even for the daily mail
"Absentee husbands and fathers are just so funny!"
Gemara B’Iyun
Read Esther without the midrash
Want some insight on secular romance
Women in STEM but I turned out to be trans, whoops!
Using male locker room pre t
Was everything always the fault of women, or is this concept relatively recent?
"If a human being has testicles, internal or not, they cannot produce large gamates (eggs) and they are male. Everyone with a DSD is objectively classifiable as male and female. There are no human hermaphrodites." - JKR on intersex people
judaism is so woke!!
Their minds would rupture at the mention of Intersex folks..I call it..
what's something that was technically ok,but you couldn't do anyway?
Sex-Segregated Kiddush
how old were you when you started T?
"How evil is Trans Rights?"
"Why not become a Reform/Conservative/Reconstructionist/Liberal Jew?"
WYR be an incel forever or be a cuck forever
Give me your very niche/unique symptoms of ADHD
What is your opinion, do cis people suffer from transphobia or not?
What makes you think that Jon is the Prince Who Was Promised and not Daenerys? [SPOILERS MAIN]
Since most of us skin picked at some point, I have a question for those who "got rid" of it