97% Sure I know the answer, but I want confirmation
Pescatarian Jambalaya?
“I just want to believe in people!”
Rakshasa/Pisacha aka the “demons” of Hinduism
Pictures I took of German flags in museum
My first Dunecrawler
After a month since I created them, my snake terminators are done.
Name of this type of hat?
Show me a fictional character who is actually Catholic or I will condemn you
differential diagnosis go
Please help me convince my friend they are wearing this dress backwards.
Any Catholics detrans?
Probable cancer cure
I don’t want to live in America anymore.
Received an envelope containing nothing but X-rays of some teeth and a phone number.
Microscopic View of an Emerald Stone💚💚💚
20m (probably gay) my parents house in romania
My slightly kitbashed knight
I found these 2 Mexican 10 peso coins in a drawer of mine, how much do you think they are worth and where can I sell them? They look good.
A recent ork conversion I painted up!
My nimi nightmare cosplay !
American Duchess - Are they using leather now?!?
Digitigrade “Chicken Leg” Dreadnought
Nimi will be streaming Pizza Simulator games at her usual time (3:00 PST)