If Tolkien had written The Hobbit in the style of The Lord of the Rings, how cool would that have been for you?
Modern Day Rodman
My precious.
If Phil Collins had a secret martial art move!
He's releasing noxious gas (now with farther sounds)
RARE Double "no-contact" K.O!
The results of hard work (yes there’s booty smackin)
Stolen Valor Bullshido
Is he trying to fight or f^(< her?
Bullshido For Women: If a man tries to attack you, he will only use one hand and stand perfectly still
Would you rather have the hobbit as one long movie instead of three separate ones
What do you think about Amazons Rings of Power?
What is Saruman?
What is your least favorite scene added to the movies that wasn’t in the books?
Smoking two chickens. Advice?
Peter Jackson did Gimli dirty
Kinda annoying a little rant if you will
I seriously honestly don't understand what everyone is so angry about.
If you were sent back in time, would you join again?
Is this a part of getting old? Or is new content just crap?
Too many people pretending to love Interstellar
Is There Any Ancient Structure Would You Like To See Rebuilt If Money Was No Issue?
Teddy B joke