What's the hardest pic of a president?
What jazz album would you recommend to someone who listens to classical music?
Do you prefer Al Gore with or without the beard?
What’s a jazz standard you wish was more popular?
Someone tells you their fav Steely Dan song, and you make this face. What song is it?
Can jazz be casually enjoyed?
What’s a piece or composer who made no sense to you?
Which president's life before the presidency would make the best biopic?
What do you think of the Nixon Foundation trying to rehabilitate his image?
Is Bill Clinton actually a good saxophone player?
Since when did comedy become so right wing?
Working on my time feel and bebop language. How’d I do?
Favorite mustache (or facial hair) on a President or major nominee?
Who's Your Favorite President?
What do people think of the Mr. Beat and Vlogging Through History tier list? I found it to be a very interesting and fair take on the presidents from two people on opposite sides of the political spectrum (though I wouldn’t agree with Wilson being F)
Planets ranking
Lots of Presidents get passes for behavior/views that were “acceptable at the time.” Which Presidents had views that weren’t acceptable, even in their time?
Any tips on ballad playing?
What are scores you don't like?
Is Forrest Gump a satire?
What is a very "American" thing that Americans don't realize is American?
This Ravel is the prettiest piece of piano I have heard in my life. What other solo piano should I be listening to?
What age did you reach your max height?
Size Psychology
Boxing an Piano