Hello, Lyndon! -- LBJ pulls off a narrow victory against Nixon
If you could vote in 1968, who would you vote for and what state are you from.
1980: If only Humphrey could see us now... (Hello, Lyndon! pt. 4)
Which president's life before the presidency would make the best biopic?
Which photo of a VP goes the hardest?
Humphrey pulls a Biden in '76 (Hello, Lyndon! pt. 3)
Hello, Lyndon! (pt. 2) -- Humphrey squeaks by in '72
What if FDR died one year earlier (in April 1944) and Henry Wallace succeeded him to the Presidency?
Who was the most controversial wartime President?
Who is your favorite Vice President?
Favourite Presidential Campaign Logo?
Which Presidents have some Unconstitutionally Cold Photos?
What is your favorite campaign logo/poster?
Did a Lincoln-Douglass would’ve become a possibility if Douglas never died?
If LBJ had ran and won reelection in 1968, he would've been the only president besides FDR to serve for over 8 years, and the only one to do so after the passage of the 22nd Amendment.
Still can't believe Bloomberg got crushed that bad. Are the Federalists finally done this time?
Vote Johnson to stop Goldw- uh, I mean to stop Nixon!
Which presidential election going the other way would have changed history the most?
Best 50 dollars ever spent
Mr. Vice President, you're no Jack Kennedy.
Do y'all have a personal favorite president that differs from who you think is "the best?"
OTD February 15th,1933 President Elect Franklin Delano Roosevelt Survived an Assassination Attempt in Miami
ROUND 16 | Decide the next r/Presidents subreddit icon!