PVC enclosure for crested gecko?
PVC enclosure for crested gecko
Taking care of my friends Leo!
Does my geckos nose look funny?
Background questions
Can I draw your leo?
I'm not having the best day; please could you all comment with photos of your kitties?
Can you find the gecko?
New tunnel = happy boy
Before vs. after
What’s wrong with my gecko?
I know it’s blurry but he almost fell asleep on my chair
Leopard gecko won’t accept any food I offer him.
Always good to see there happy face after dinner
Weird spot but ok
What morph is my little guy?
Nonchalant in his hiding place
Not eating
Happy boy
Need some advice on how to take care of my sister leopard gecko she’s basically abandoned.
Cute gecko pick
Gecko doesn’t seem to want to eat
Does my gecko look healthy?
Sleepy boy
My gecko (chiefs) tank