What would you invent that is so stupid but would work in today’s economy?
[TOMT] [2000’s] Movie about a group of girls being hunted by men in animal suits?
What song gives off this vibe?
Need a song about hating someone but also being in love with them
A spell for wanting physical touch and affection?
What stop you from killing yourself?
The divorce law for women in Alabama
Is the divorce law fair for women in Alabama?
Men, would you eat a girl out on her period? And why?
mine is head over heels by tears for fears, what's yours?
What is the first song you heard this year?
Songs about losing someone to suicide.
What are your New Year’s resolutions?
What made you think “Yup I’ve seen it all”?
What’s a movie you know that nobody else knows?
What’s the most fucked up post you ever saw on Reddit?
How do you know if you like someone?
Where do you see yourself in 1 hour be honest?
What are you a whore for?
What's something that seemed totally harmless when you were a kid but now feels super weird or creepy as an adult?
AITA for telling him and his mom that it's "time to cut the umbilical chord"?
What is something you consider disgusting yet others consider "sexy"?
Friend invited me to a convention but wants me to change my style, what do I do?
What stereotype is 100% accurate about you?
who was your first ever fictional character crush?