How many times have you watched the complete series?
Abby is singlehandedly killing my interest in this show
I skipped Time of Death because it was boring but seems like everyone online loved it 😅
Neela’s dad is Jesminder’s dad from Bend it Like Beckham!!!!
Have you ever thought of getting a less stressful part-time non-nursing side gig just for extra cash?
What's the most Aussie way of telling someone you don't believe what he's saying?
I know what ER wait times are like 12 hours
30yrs later doing a rewatch. Why did the classic open theme song change in season 13?
Favorite 'oh my God this actor was in this?' moment from the early seasons of the show? I took a running list through most of S3-5
Can anyone help me check if this chanel scarf i found at an op shop is genuine or fake?
Everyone's favorite wardrobe mis-hap 🤣
I’m sorry but who approved this wardrobe decision 😭
Doug Ross was a horrible person and loved by fans. Who was a good person with opinions divided?
If you had one wish...
Times where you were disappointed in your favorite character
The reality (?) of Sister Monica Joan - book/history discussion
what's the one thing that annoys you most about Australia or Australians?
Nurses getting all vitals and blood sugars on Med/Surg unit
What are some things about Australia that the world say about Australia that aren’t true?
The show hits different as an adult, i.e. Kerry Weaver
What Book did you had to study about in HighSchool?
When Night Meets Day
abby getting upset at luka for nicole is so…?
How to respond to some nurses refusing to do their jobs?
Behind the scenes stuff I learned when visited highclere