“I wish he was never born!”
I see my emotions-I have synesthesia
Has a YouTuber ever caught shit for not liking something or refusing to talk about a certain trivial topic?
Exercises to do at home to regain some strength?
When acronyms are half-named and half-pronounced
cmv: abortion should not be illegal
I am a Catholic from the USA AMA
I don’t like making cinnamon rolls because of the scary pop the container makes.
AITA: I told bro that he’s not Kiwi because he’s never been here and that he can’t be half of a nationality
"I don't like vegetables.".
Varför får jag norsk reklam och norska sökresultat?
Im a canadian christian (not catholic) and buddhist. AMA!
People who comment negative opinions no one asked for
My teacher fainted & fell off a desk in front of my friend and I?
When people say “ you can’t help who you fall in love with”
Why do boys hate leg hair on girls so much?
People who say things like "Those piercings take away from your beauty!" Or "why would you do that to your face?" Or anyone who feels the need to comment on people's piercings in a negative way in general
Is there any reason I can’t use invisible decrease instead of standard decrease when following a pattern?
Autistic person using autism as an excuse?
I’m honestly curious am I the only one who’s not getting filtered?
The restroom trans issue is a non-issue
How old is he? “He’s turning 7 in 5 months”
The term “niblings”
I have Dissociative Identity Disorder, (also known as multiple personally disorder) and I'm perfectly content with it! AMA!
Grinds my gears when people refer to my cat as "it". Her name is Nina and She is a "she".