Anime with dragons ?
Help! [manga]
[Discussion] Fistfight of the five main characters
[Discussion] Ok So I Am Building Fairy Tail As Pokemon Trainers/Teams, So Y'all Ideas For The Pokemon and We Are Starting It Off With Natsu Dragneel!
Thought y'all might enjoy Natsu and Gray, our little fluff balls [media]
Titania-Heaven's Wheel Armor fanart (oc) [media]
More fan art! Crochet Touka [media]
[Discussion] let's keep this subreddit about the series and not about inappropriate fantasys.
Tf is happening dawg [discussion]
[meme] I don't trust either of them
When a man falls in love..
Back when Pe10 was ജനപ്രിയ നായകൻ.
Hottest (male) [discussion]
How would you describe ueda artstyle for 100YQ [discussion]
How is Natsu alive [discussion]
Please help me buy a car for my Father
Kpop that sounds like an anime opening?
[discussion] Which character is this for you?
Which character is this for you?
[Manga]My theory on Wed's Mom
Which group will you remove from the FT verse if you have to? [discussion]
This is the real edit.
Can someone pls tell the name of this OST[media] pls help 😭
This has got to be one of the most awesome character designs in 100YQ (chapter 177 spoilers) [manga]
Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest | Chapter 177
Best Individual Batting Performance for KKR in an innings? That was crucial or impactful