What death of a famous person actually affected you most?
'Shake it' Appreciation Club
does anyone like 5 in the morning…
Features for XCX7
Do you think Charli XCX made one of the best songs of 2024?
Day 13 of Top Comment Deletes a State
BRAT and it’s the same but it’s Ray of Light so it’s not
what next
Soo what songs are actually family friendly?
Listened to White Mercedes for the first time
Best First Track
Charli XCX ABCs - Day 17: Q
Thoughts on True Romance?
What artist gets you in your feels the most when you listen to them?
Ask me anything about Charli xcx
What should I name her?
Who had the best and worst feature on this album?
I want buy a brat vinyl but idk who is charlie
If I said Number 1 Angel is in my top 3 Charli “albums” and it’s not number 3
White Mercedes Appreciation
Which is the superior unreleased Charli song?
xcx world songs
How are YOU feeling now🤍
The origin of bratgreen