Wow. Just wow lol
Conquest of Wu Help needed
I need a good squad to join up with on ps5
Spreading democracy alone can be quite difficult.
I honestly have mad respect for those diving into 7+ automatons regularly. It’s utterly overwhelming madness and personally makes me hate the game if I play it. There’s no way people can say bugs are harder
Undemocratic divers
Max affinity question
I died. Level 49 and probably 95% Hardcore.
Am I the only one that thinks an invasion should be hard?
The Explosive Liberator is broken and a poor choice for spreading Democracy.
LeMat pistol's shotgun doesn't count as a shotgun for challange
[Discussion] Here are my 30 Ultra Rare platinums on PSNProfiles. How many Ultra Rare platinums do you have, and what are they?
Asked if I had a lazy eye
[Persona 5 tactica]
When people ask how long I've been having this migraine attack
Do migraines ever cure?
When to take abortives?
At breaking point (TW suicide)
The struggles of the lonely 48yr old, 3 star MMR, negative KD Hunt Showdown enthusiast continues...
[Baldurs Gate 3] One of the greatest games ever made.
Our favourite vampire reminds me of Tim curry.
Have you put Diablo 4 down?
Did the Butcher's spawn rate increase?
[discussion] what is a platinum you recently gave up on?
Remember: The millions of people happy with D4 are busy playing D4