I can't believe I pulled this card from an ETB today! :D
Just bought and opened 3 singles from GameStop
I accidentally launched that ball to outer space somehow XD
The hunt is on!
I opened my very 1st Surging Sparks Booster Box and while I didn't manage to pull the most expensive Pikachu, I am beyond happy with the pulls I ended up getting from it :D
Uhhhhh, I think that Slimeball glitched and confused my opponents XD
Am I the only one who's really bad at using the Emote Wheel in an intense final? Cause I feel really bad for accidentally using the worst possible emote at the end ^^; (+ Clutch Timeout)
I Got 2 Shiny Eevees During Eevee Week (1 Male and 1 Female) including one on the very last day :D. How did everyone else do? :)
This May Be One of The Worse False Eliminations I've Ever Experienced
[Gen 9] I got Wombo Combo'd to a Shiny that I never saw and I don't even think it touched me tbh XD
Winning My 5th Game In A Row By Doing Absolutely Nothing
Me and My Friend Perfectly Timed Grabbing The Crown At The Same Time In Lost Temple
I Spent Over 2 Hours Beating This Level and I finally beat it at the final 30 Seconds! This was extremely challenging but admittedly fun (Ninja Warrior - Difficulte Tamachii by Totoro_Senpaii)
Pirate Bait Cheese Strat (Black Sails - Beast Difficulty)
Saved By The Dynamite! (Probably The Most Unexpected & Closest Win Ever XD)
Tasked Failed Successfully (Friend Scored Too Soon Accidentally Which Made Us Fail 2 Achievements. The "666" one and the "The Klaw").
SLAM DUNK!.....My friend must really hate that statue or that boomerang XD
This is why you never celebrate too early XD
Witnessing an Otter trip then get launched to Outer Space
My Friends and I tossed the Pool Table out the Window
Accidental Push Win in Blast Ball?
Challenges suck
My Fastest/Best Run on "No Way To Go".
Fall Guy ball passing to the finish line went from success to failure really quick
Huh, I don't think the level creator ever thought this would happen XD (Snowman Climb)