Hot takes on The Sensual World album? I'll start.
Do you guys agree/disagree that all studio albums are really really good?
What are your greatest music-listening achievements?
Please list Tori’s most “haunting” and/or dark songs. Any by Kate Bush, too. An example would be something like Alanis Morisette “Uninvited”. Thank you guys!
What Kate Bush songs do you have on your playlist right now?
Take your LEAST favourite song from every Kate album, and rank them!
Rate my Topster list por favor
Guess my age and gender based on my music taste
What are the main differences on the 2018 remasters on each album?
So, whats your favorite king crimson song?
Movies that are about mental health?
which track do you think is kate's?
Best show with 2 seasons. Maximum 3.
Send the first song on your most used playlist and I’ll rate it.
Shows with a serial killer as the protagonist/MC ?
Young fans under 30, why do you love Portishead?
Which Kate Bush album sounds better in its remastered version compared to the original?
Favorite album with under 1k ratings?
If you could be in the studio with Queen and witness the creation of an album, which would it be?
Looking for a top 10-worthy TV show.
Band name for a band that can’t think of a band name
I've been a queen for about a year now and this is my collection
Best NPR tiny desk concert?
I love alternative music but I’m getting so sick of the Man with a Guitar trope. I need more female artists!! Any suggestions?
What comes to mind?