Imagine games for mobile
A mouse tries to give first aid to an unconscious mate
What Eminem song instantly made you a Stan
Rotten Mango - what's the point of the weird unrelated intros?
Mind bending film recommendations
What accent is the most attractive to you?
What’s the greatest “one hit wonder” song of all-time?
my (18F) boyfriend (18M) was touching me sexually in my sleep, is this break up worthy?
Is this safe?
Wondering if I (f28) overreacting about bf (m35) taking a photo of my son and ex and destroying it, how to approach this discussion with boundaries?
My (20F) BF (26M) rely on me for money and I am tired of it
What is your music guilty pleasure?
Mugshots of victorian child "thieves and criminals" from Newcastle, England. Photos from the 1870s, crime in caption in the photo. source in comments.
[TOMT]weird youtube channel
My (F23) boyfriend (M28) had a complete switch last night when it came to sex. I’m having a lot of anxiety today. Why would he make a complete switch like that?
Jacket potato with tuna, cheese and mixed jalapeño balsamic side salad 👌🏼
Boyfriend (M 25) comments on my (F 22) appearance.
Please help!
You look outside and see this and the last song you listened to is playing. What is it?
The "pale blue" dress my sister bought for my wedding
what are you tired of people saying to you?
What traumas do you have that AREN'T from your parents or childhood home?
Roommate is a cunt a