What’s your investing hot take?
2025 XSE
Did I miss out on life?
What made you realize that you'd really left the world of working people?
Welp someone cracked my shield, price estimate?
2025 XSE OTD Price ... Is this a good price? I think I can get it a little bit lower.
2025 XLE Recall
Is 29.9% Intrest High on a Auto Loan?
For those of you who were stay-at-home-parents, what was (is) life as empty nest-ers?
Why do people say that life is short?
Moving away from home
To elders who had Asian heritage: how many of you have cut off your parents?
Someone answer this
Retirement advice vs comparing against peers
Did you raise your children the same way that you were raised? Why/why not?
When was the first time you used the internet? What did you think of it back then?
I feel like I know a lot about things. Retirement isn’t one of them.
How was dial up internet?
If you could go back in time, would you still choose to drink/smoke?
What was your first 45 record?
I'm just not in love with the two-handed backhand the way I love my 1HBH... oh whatever shall I do? (another "but all the pros are doing it" post!)
What’s the most random song to pop into your head lately?
Bad habits to get rid of from playing years of high level tennis?
What poems did you have to memorize in your youth?
Those of you who are married, how did you meet your wife/husband and how long have you been married?