How I am even supposed to win this
Christmas tree in shopping mall in my city
How I am supposed to play using wifi?
Balancing Pearl's hypercharge
Balancing Mico's hypercharge
Photo I took in my school
Did you know Willow can use mind controlled enemy super?
what does this mean
After year they decided to remove my ad server (commisions, servers, roleplay ads) with almost 1000 members for no reason
"Angry kudos" concept
Why everyone says that carnage is dead, did I missed something?-
Success!! My server got verified finally after 3 months
Lets flex in this comment section with our amazing Otis profiles
Never felt so carried in ranked
Poco and Mortis hypercharges leaked in newest video and possibly Darryl rework (he was showed two times in video but not in gameplay)
Tell me your favorite song, and im going to rate it from 1/10. 🧚♀️
What would you vote for?
No more ranked for me for this year... how is this a game mechanic!
Looks like the tentacles escaped
Why my posts are so ignored?
What the hell is this-
Fixing Chuck
Concept for Otis rework
Help I’ve played so much of this game my mind keeps randomly playing any sound effect from it and playing the music in my head and I can’t escape it