Bacon was not as exciting as I thought it would be
Do you feel you gained anything from Yeshiva?
The Kuzari vs. the Iranians
I’m Back
Youtubers and such
What % of Chabadniks actually internalize "love every Jew"?
“If you refuse to follow my religion’s rules then you hate me!!”
22 Bahman friendly reminder
Fox News reporter gets asked which country in the Middle East he thinks is the second best ally of U.S. Reporter answers "There isn't one". Netanyahu: "It's called Iran. The people of Iran are yearning for the day when the regime is finished".
What is your evidence that God or the Torah is not true? (I'm convinced it seems very clear to me but I'm often in debate so if I can have more arguments that's good)
Muslim thinking of converting
Hating orthodoxy but loving spirituality
Anyone afraid to die?
"Why not become a Reform/Conservative/Reconstructionist/Liberal Jew?"
Are these people that bored?
Resources in israel?
Cooked my first dish ever
Jews on temple mount (הר הבית)
Esoterica: A Religious Renaissance
The first heretic
Went to visit my childhood shul, was saddened to see this.
Breaking Shabbat: A weekly discussion thread:
You're so close to getting it, Shoshanna!
Frummies: "People convert to Judaism because they want answers, not because they're at a low point!" Also frummies:
In 1986, the Lubavitcher Rebbe spent $700,000 - over two million dollars in today's money - to build a replica of 770 in Eretz Yisrael. I guess Gothic architecture, Brooklyn, and specially-fired red bricks are the ultimate in holiness.