Songs that are obviously sexual without being explicit
What is everyone’s thoughts on the Florence Road “Hard Times” cover that blew up on the internet recently?
LBJ somehow lives another 30+ years, up until, say, 2006. What would he think of future Presidents like Carter, Reagan Clinton and the Bushes?
Which President was the most bipartisan?
Who is a President Harry Truman would disagree heavily with?
Which president's life before the presidency would make the best biopic?
Got “Water” Reccs? 🌊
What non-election concept mod would like to see?
What former President would win in the biggest landslide if they ran again?
Which presidents are likely to have streets in foreign cities in the future?
Ok who was president when you were born?
Does Gerald Ford get overlooked because of Nixon?
Who would you rather vote for?
songs that mention cities or states or countries
Apart from the H in the middle, in what ways were George Bush Sr and George Bush Jr different as leaders?
hi, how do you feel about my immediate family
songs where the chorus is just the same word/phrase repeated over and over again (must be repeated twice or more)
Do you believe Roosevelt would have declined to run for re-election to a 5th term had he been in good health?
Ask anything about my current faves
Would you rather be the Vice President or Speaker of the House?
What is your Opinion on George W. Bush?
LBJ wins a second term in 1968 and serves as president from 1963-1973. Assuming he survives his entire term, how do you think this affects both international and domestic politics in the country? Does the New Deal coalition survive?
Is this a valid one and done?
What's the first game you think of when you see this logo?
what’s the best song to die to?