What are your favorite "I ain't fucking around" savage moments from Mal?
[GIVEAWAY] Win 1 of 5 Heroes of StarCraft mini-set codes!
Hit legend for the first time using Zarimi Priest from Bronze 10 this month
Reska > Reska > Reska > Yogg > Bob > Ceaseless
Happy Birthday to me!
This is a mandatory Kanan Jarrus appreciation post
China mulls potential sale of TikTok US to Musk, Bloomberg News reports
We still do this part
First time legend in wild
i'm so bad with handbuff paladin
What’s one scene that ALWAYS makes you cry?
First time legend!
What’s the best line of military/naval jargon in the series?
What’s the single best joke in the series?
First time ever hitting legend! [Discover Hunter]
This poster is so awesome
The worst part about this movie is the fact that it ends
Why do some clones refer to Palpatine as "Lord Sidious" after being given Order 66?
Who is your favorite OT character, I’ll go first.
UCS Lego millennium falcon
What is a West Wing quote you’ve used IRL?
For Your Consideration: Firefly the Next Generation
First time in Legend!
"Leo, I'm ready"
You're given full control of the franchise, what are you doing first