Carmela Soprano is stressful
Tony NOT actually a psychopath/sociopath
AIO: Took down my flag
Does it both you that Padme was killed off so early when she could have started the rebellion? Big missed opportunity.
Smartest and dumbest wives?
Carmela OCD?
Why does Tony always drink straight from the carton?
AIO? Does my bfs tattoo look like a nazi tattoo?
AIO my gf is mad that i brought up the idea of sending my ex condolences bc her brother passed.
This is probably a repost, but instead of building the death star, the empire could have purchased 3.3 million tie defenders.
Do You Think The Sopranos Is Popular In U.S States That Do Not Have A Large Italian Population?
Unpopular opinions?
What are no show jobs?
How do I get over Sex negative/Slut shaming attitudes as a man?
What’s an actual critique you have of the show?
Why can't they just fuck their wives
does anyone else find themselves more repulsed by Carmella than other characters who are overtly evil?
So the only successful thing Carmela did was build a shitty house and sell it to her cousin?
What's your biggest red flag movie?
Most dateable Sopranos character
Ugly Hot
Who owned the boat Puss was murdered on?
Adriana kind of had it coming
Why are the glorified crew from New Jersey such cheap asses?