Nick and Catelynn
season 7 vs. season 9 – which one truly deserves the crown?
Yellowjackets S03E03- “Them's the Brakes” Episode Discussion
Lets see your cats cursed photos
Which Teen Mom outfits live in your head rent-free… good or bad?
What taco bell item do you miss most?
roommates ate my birthday cake
I think imma give up for tonight
Big ask of you guys!
Hilary Swank Character Theory
this came to me in a dream
Is this the usual chipotle sauce serving? Or did I get swindled
Two days until the Baltierra podcast!
Chelsea ig post for down home fab s3
Run me my money bitches like come on man
Does anyone else think season 3 feels a little messy/disconnected?
songs for when you want to say "f you" to a girl?
Scott’s Tots has nothing on this moment. Peak cringe IMO
Give me an album and I’ll listen to it
Chairs vs. Copier, who convinced you?
Which Kail are you today? I'm feeling like number 8 😯
H is for "He's an SNU graduate." I is for...
What are you choosing?
wtfarrah valentine’s edition
This was foreshadowing right??👀