First look at the city of Kyoto Shadows
London drawing in 0.03mm
Finished AC3 for the first that ending huh?
Valhalla got me back into AC. But I feel like I'm the minority.
What Would You Change in CS?
Phone lost/stolen at The Prodigy Brixton 21st Dec 2024
What do you think is the best UK TV comedy?
What was ruined because too many people started doing it?
Why does no one go out anymore?
Missing authentic Sicilian food and wondering “where are the Italians actually eating in London?”
What unreasonably disgusts you that everyone else seems ok with?
Any teenagers/young adults here who obviously grew up in ldn but barely went to central?
Why are you here? As in the CS? What is your professional aspiration (or not) and why? Just curious 🤔
Why is there no romance option in Hogwarts Legacy? It feels like a missed opportunity, since it's about school life.
Why is it impossible to recreate curry from a curry house?
How do I pay taxes?
Ashes Away Tour 25/26
Why was the ERE called the “Byzantine Empire” instead of the “Constantinoplian Empire”?
Why would Dumbledore feel any triumph?
The r/ukpolitics "critique my policy idea" thread!
My Masters Dissertation on the Justinianic Reconquests
The man just wanted to have some cool battleships to show off to his cousins the English King and Russian Czar.
As we’re bored in the international break, what’s your one genuinely controversial opinion about something Premier League related?
212 years ago today was the Battle of Borodino, you HAVE to read The Battle of Borodino By Alexander Mikaberidze
Is Julius Nicholson the best character in the show?