Andrea & Lamar divorced!
Which president's Oval Office was your favorite?
Kim with Adrianne going to see kings play is CRINGE
Who is this in Detroit?
Jasmine like Gino’s alleged girlfriend post
Karen on the new black soap opera on CBS
Bronwyn at the SAG Awards giving Jackie Onassis realness
Ignore mess. Fireplace makeover help
ALIEN vs PREDATOR. They're not twinning anymore.
My friend said “post my fridge”. Tell me about her.
No DNA test needed, she got her daddy's eyes 🥰 Mark, however, should still ask his lady for a prenup because I feel something is off with the 23-year age gap and all
✨Jassi✨ I'm rewatching the Season (because I miss it already. lol) but this is weird. S9E3. I get it's SUPPOSED to be playful, but this is VERY weird. I already think she's weird, but rewatching this now, I CRINGE!
Jasmine literally got pregnant by her gym stalker. Word on the street is that Matt knew who Jasmine was and about her marriage problems. He stalked her at the gym for months before making his move
Love king sized candy
M,24, straight, fresh outta the military, never lived alone before.yes my toilet glows in the dark.
What do you think folks- Will I pass the exam? It is after 5 hours.
Stacey vs Vivien 👀
Do we know if Destinee’s mom got a 2nd date with this awful makeup job?
The tip is off!!
Jasmine’s maternity photos with new boyfriend Matt
If I had been in Wendy’s shoes, I never would have gone on reality tv
Yes Jenna add more to your overconsumption while you don’t have to pay a mortgage or rent
With sail or without ?
Need recommendations for more Housewives
Oh boy…