Please talk me out of buying a korean stick
"It was totally different back in the day"
Would Anyone Be Willing to Check out My Replays?
Me trying other fighting games
I made it to diamond🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
Feel like there’s no execution in this game? Notations for 62 hit guile combo credit C.Spiral on Twitter. Go forth and show us how good you are
Did you get mixed? Don't lie...
For those complaining the removal of execution from this game here’s notations for a 62 hit guile combo credit C.Spiral on Twitter
Is playing with 90ms acceptable to have a good league experience (new player)
Im just gonna say it, I can't stand playing against Mai
Why do thieves spray paint motorcycles?
Can someone tell me why I get the cinematic SA3 VS Non Cinematic? Can't figure out exactly what it is.
What's one aspect of your SF6 play-style that you are EXTREMELY proficient at?
$350 for brook leverless is kind of crazy
The First Mods of my First Stick!
What is Cammy's fighting style? Is it based in, or does it reference any real-life fighting styles?
Done dating gamers
THIS. This is the best change for season 2
How's sidestepping for you?
ps5 games can't be played with current controller - Haute42-mini
What's up with all the Exodia stun decks on ladder?
Overlap with FGC?
What are you impressions of Fatal Fury: City Of The Wolves?
Found my perfect Leverless.
We are all shit