When is it okay to read the rules?
Ty’s 2024 Feat Rework - A collection of reworks and rebalances for the feats of the DnD 2024 Player's Handbook.
1 Hour Argument Derailed Campaign
What's your hottest take about rpgs??
Appropriately powered for a rare item?
New MM seems to imply Yugoloths are from Gehenna?
Why are there no bathrooms in castle Ravenloft?
Hot Take: the new MM alphabetical organization is worse.
Which are Warlock Patrons options that are not evil?
Low-Magic Setting
Reminder that WOTC has been using AI since 2nd edition!!! (You can tell because the hand is backwards on this Rakshasa artwork)
What's your favorite peace of obscure DnD lore?
Winter Walkers are Really Cool, Actually
Are legendary resistances fun?
Divine Soul Sorcerer
Moon Druid spell save DC and spell attack bonus while wildshaped
Do you consider Nystul's Magic Aura to be cheating?
Incorrect, incomplete and irrelevant chart on What Your OSR Says About You.
Basketbrawl: An all-out battle on the courts for 5.5E
CaN yOu BeLiEvE tHaT RaNgEr UsEs CoNcEnTrAtIoN nOw
Uh he be t pose
How do yall come up with character names? This question is for both players and dm's.
What happened to roleplaying?