Despite tough competition from Wiggler, Prince Florian managed to be the caterpillar on top and is our Grass/Bug type! Which Nintendo character would be Grass/Ghost?
Just caught this watching Chuck
Despite some tough competition, White Pikmin has taken the Grass/Poison crown! Which Nintendo character would be Grass/Flying type?
Varför får jag norsk reklam och norska sökresultat?
What historical fact about your country is misunderstood the most?
Swedes and Danes in Netflix Norwegian shows
Det viser seg at storbritannia er vår nærmeste allierte
Digital Love transitioning into Harder Better Faster Stronger?
Map of all the territories of the Portuguese Empire
If you were to randomly be born again, into one of these lettered sections, which one would you pick?
Is Kronogården in Trollhattan a bad area to live in?
What are these called in your language?
So we're just going for Pikmin and trees? Cool, Wispy Woods is our Grass/Normal type, I wonder what Nintendo character will be our Grass/Electric type...
For Grass/Fire we have Red Pikmin! Which Nintendo character would be Grass/Water type?
Irma is the latest addition to the list. Next up, who‘s a morally grey person hated by fans?
Ok for a grandma to be naked in the bathtub with a 3 1/2 year old?
What’s an Australian habit you thought was normal until you realized the rest of the world doesn’t do it?
Raise your hand if you don't have a good Pooper!
What is your relationship like with the English language?
Russia must withdraw its troops to February 2022 line, Zelenskyy says
Does your language have a word for the day after tomorrow?
I told an amputee I've never seen anyone with that condition before.
Finally got some decent Gen 9 starters this morning, but are they good enough to invest in?
What bird is this? Devon, England
Why is Vietnam a shithole?