Nose dominates my features. Thinking about a nose job to make my profile more balanced
Best way to learn how to do foreign tax returns
Not getting many new client leads
Help with interpreting orchid care instructions!
Anybody having trouble finding jobs nowadays
Turnaround Time In and Out of Tax Season
Will you do back tax returns for clients?
What do you do when clients request P&L for mortgage?
Do I need to include wash loss sale detail from 1099 with paper filed return?
Round 1 of dress shopping! Help me pick from my top 3 because I can’t make choices
Please help me choose!
Prospects turning me down because of my pricing
How do you guys find people?
What did moving abroad do to your confidence?
Hiring a lawyer to draft 7216 consent form?
Do I need to make employee contribution to my solo 401(k) or can I just make the employer contribution?
Client hasn’t filed individual taxes since 2019 and has no copies of prior year partnership returns. How would you proceed?
How many once a year clients do you have?
Got engaged to my best friend (featuring my other best friend) 🥰
Do remote workers create income tax nexus?
Couples who have been together a long time (5+ years), why are you not married?
Stringy, thin, frizzy, poofy, dry waves
Too awkward to be a firm owner
Got invited to a party but I’ll be the only one there that doesn’t speak Croatian
Is the VIN enough to file my 2022 taxes and get the tax credit?