Posso fare danno ai veicoli con le armi primarie?
Upcoming BFV Pilot – Highlights, Guides & More Coming Soon
Staying alive is optional, bullying tanks is a must.
1960 Leica Summaron 35mm 2.8 with cleaning marks
We are strong together
Never leave your tank
Be kind! Always repair tanks when you get a chance.
Garage is full, time to sell something. Shot on Kodak TMax 400 film with a Nikon FM
Keep fighting the good fight
Tää on yllättävästi ollu tulisin kastike jota oon kokeillu huomioon ottaen myös sen et oon kokeillu kaikki poppamiehen soosit
My favorite trick lol
I Swear This is a Different Video! (At least I am consistent)
What 35mm would you buy?
Do you think its accurate that Helsinki is 7th on this list?
Are Dubai and Doha boring?
Aina mukana
Quitting BFV - was fun!
Best PS player
I traded my Leica for 12 Zenits
Rally Race back in Nov Ft: Colin McRae (Peugeot)
This is for sure the best killstreak I got for more than 1000 hours of gameplay.
Seat’s Taken. Canon A-1 • Proimage 100, f2.8 50mm
I’m a competitive battlefield player with years of experience and knowledge, Ask me Anything!
Im trash need help
What in the propaganda
2025 - Why do you still play BFV?