Can anyone identify the body on this kit bash?
Sons of Horus Tartaros Terminators
Our small boy Wilis went to sleep forever
My cat is evil and I don’t know what to do anymore
This is Mia. She has kidney disease
Units that are so bad/boring that not even Rule of Cool can save them?
These guys have been on my desk since Christmas Break.
What i found after 25 years
Horus was shown what he would create with his betrayal and didnt even know.
What are some bands that took multiple listens to "sink in" for you?
Poor quality from GW
Is a new The Faceless on the 2025 tech death bingo card?
New Hundred Kingdoms are up for pre-order!
Bands that have a sound like Job For A Cowboy Albums - Doom, Genesis and Ruination
My Umber Berserkers diorama tray. I have a full Umber list made in this style that I will post. Hope you like it!
Not where I was, not yet where I’m going.
Wrecker for my O-12/Torchlight
Finished my Dust(odes) list…
Major Clintoch Garrett, (Solar Auxilia) Tank Commander
Kratos fully finished
Your favorite album and why?
Command squad loadout
New to Death/Tech Death
New player choosing a faction. Shattered vs Black Shields?
How to deal with a colleague that won't shut the fuck up?