Those FEMA layoffs are already paying off
What’s white and yellow, really expensive, and tanking the US?
hE sHoUlD wAnT pEaCE!
From leader of the free world to zero in under 30 years
We’re too busy defending our right to simp for dictators
He’s scared of the competition
Gutted education, food benefits and healthcare to pay for tax cuts for the ruling class, rampant unemployment, runaway inflation, no regulatory oversight of corrupt industries, negative economic growth, and now the fucking measles
“And stay the fuck off the lodge furniture” heard as JD has to cut his family ski trip short
There’s no difference between $100B and $200B in the span of a human life - these maniacs are in it for the cruelty
Frozen, of course
Not sure if West Wing of White House… or West West Wing of Kremlin
You got to know when to hold ‘em, know when to post about a 35 year old baseball controversy after embarrassing yourself on the world stage
American leadership on full display
Trump voters the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet
Who’s the Nazi now, huh?
I should buy a MAGNA hat
“Trump is Hurting the Wrong People” renewed for another season
The stable genius is making moves that everyone knows will crash the stock market and cause a recession...
Files uploaded as evidence are limited to 10MB
Almost me. Whew! 😅
Sweep the eggs
This is how he’s coming for us, and the worst part is that it will get shittier as Tesla runs out of money with “Mr. I don’t always say true things and will recklessly make huge mistakes” sort of running it
Zappa's 2nd posthumously issued album, 'The Lost Episodes' was released on February 27th, 1996. Frank had been working on this project for years. It contains mostly unreleased material from the 1958 to the late 70's. Wino Man w/ Ricky Lancelotti is my favorite.
The $5 million price tag is easily within their reach