Me and my fellow Webelos on a snow trip…1973 or so.
How to pay for medicare when Social Security Benefits go away
How would someone who's considering immigrating to the United States best prepare themselves?
But he laid it all out in the campaign lead-up to the election. none of this should be a surprise.
Federal Layoffs Shake Christians in Government
Not. A. Cult.
This is Barbaric
Wait, you can now become an American for $5 million??
NO WAY! He’s on the phone? What an absolute machine! 🤯
Trump voter who put his life savings into paper straws gets screwed by Trump’s EO to end use of paper straws.
Understand what’s happening in the U.S….
Proud to be a Vermonter
Greatest nation on Earth my ass.
Zelensky Asked on Fox News if He Can Salvage Relationship with Trump
What Redding medical center will go out of business?
How I feel knowing that the Thieves reign is over
Placer County evangelical pastor Matthew Oliver promoting whiskey and cigar night
MAGA businesses to avoid?
The stable genius is making moves that everyone knows will crash the stock market and cause a recession...
Will a city ever be what I thought Paris would be? This is about Paris Syndrome
The entire MAGA movement is fucking trailer trash as sleezeball Andrew Tate accused of human trafficking and sexual abuse is on his way back to Fort Lauderdale after TRUMP helped to secure his release
Canada, NZ, or Australia?
Trump voters deserve to lose their jobs /s
How did she do it?
Security Firm Loses License After Woman Dragged Out of Idaho Town Hall