Does he keep it?
need help with deck
How powerful is he really? Assuming he said schrodinger's powers.
Who's y'alls favourite music arists
Is this shirt real or bootleg/fake? I bought it at a hot topic so I don't have high hopes
Who would win?
Just drivers
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Burst or extreme finish?
New go to Whale Wave combo. Can consistently knock out Phoenix Wing on 7-70 Rush
I love dinosaurs, can you help me with my beyblades?
Deck Recommendation
What’s the craziest thing that happened at your school?
What do you wear to bed?
Would garlic affect Alucard?
Important Alert!!!!!
Are balls uncomfortable?
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Why is 1-60 considered to be so good?
Is my music taste that bad?
Weiss Dragoon 3-60 HT
Only one of the 3 Anniversary set remakes are balanced
Can you guys help me to make a competitive deck
I just finished the anime, which chapter should I start on?