Patrollers Ski too
Snow Stability Assessments
Old Glory - Kootenays, BC (XT-5, XF 70-300)
X-T5 viewfinder coating issue
In-Flight Entertainment - XT5 with combination of XF70-300 and XF16-80
in-flight entertainment
Favourite from a Serengeti Safari - XT5 - XF 70 - 300
Alpine Season
Last Sunset of 31 - XT5 with XF 70 - 300
At what point do you call it quits in a relationship?
First time using Fuji X-S20// Africa Safari
An evening walk. [XT5 - 23mm F2]
Which one of these would you pick for the Matterhorn?
ridge walks > sidewalks
Which is a better photo? Fuji xe4 27mm f2.8
Almost alpine season
Vancouver Sunset XT5 - 16-80mm f4 - Critiques welcome
Lens for low light forest action shots
Has anyone had their foreskin reattached?
Men who have had their foreskin reattached - How'd it go?
DS bootcamp - lighthouse labs
Course vs Bootcamp
Bootcamps / Job Prospects
2012 Head Gasket going
what’s one thing you’re always willing to pay the extra price for?