To all the Trump supporters, why do you like Trump exactly?
What do you think is the worst common illness (cold, flu, stomach bug or allergies) Why?
What is a small decision that helped you avoid death?
How do you cope with anxiety?
What star wars character would be the most fun to date?
Where and when do you think the first human had a carpet?
If God chose to wear clothes in human form for a day, what ensemble do you think he'd pick?
What was the real reason that E.T. got left behind?
Why were bodybuilders so popular as actors in the 1980's, but not now?
Ralphie is probably the worst character on the show, morally speaking.
What's been your biggest loss?
People don’t talk to strangers anymore, even though many of us feel lonely. What if a simple badge signaled you were open to chatting in places like coffee shops or public transport—no pressure, just organic interactions. Would you wear one - Why or why not?
If you could choose to be famous for anything what would it be?
What do you think the lives of working class people will be like, in 20 years time?
Is it possible to have too much entertainment, and if so, what are the negative side-effects?
Carmela OCD?
Would aliens have pity on humankind, or would they find us too reprehensible to feel empathy towards? What factors would influence their final stance?
If a perfect copy of your brain was uploaded to a computer, where it began its own thought processes, yet you are still alive and there's now two versions you, what proof if any is there that the copy is really you?
If you can come into being as a conscious individual once, are there any reasons why you couldn't find yourself coming into existence again at some point?
At what age did you start caring about politics?
Do you have a favorite decade? If so, why?
If you had to invent a local cryptid to try and boost tourism to your area, what would you come up with?
What’s a simple pleasure in life that always makes you smile?
What are your Dreams, Have you achevied them, If not how are you progressing?
If you had the power, what laws would you insist any social media or video watching site, adhered to?