Update from yesterday's WiP on truescale legs for Rubrics
How would you paint the stars and constellations on Bastian Carthalos’ cloak ?
At least the money didn't go on actual crack..
Are Necrons dull to paint?
Poorhammer Podcast AoS Faction Breakdown Data UPDATED
Is the Start Collecting box a good deal?
Mum painted this.
Vampiric flavor StD
Why is eternus the way that he is?
Finally choose a color scheme for my Slaves to Darkness
Is it allowed to fill up units with models from other armies ?
Fight Abilities
Who tinks slaves double reinforced chosen lists are fun?
Does this blue look too “Ultramarine-y”?
So we should get the mark of the Horned Rat.
How to deal with an Alpha Strike?
Major WIP. Due to collection growth I have assimilated officially an 1/8 of my houses livable square footage.
Thoughts on the warscroll of a custom general I made for basement games?
Is this Primer good?
How important is shooting in AoS?
An Oak-warrior. The first mini ive painted since my depression and painters block. Been mostly kitbash-building so I tried painting again with my old roomie.
The price of battletomes is insane!! And probably hurting sales because I would have picked one up to start a 3rd army.
Test model, first time using metallic primer. any tips?
How do I use/clean an airbrush?